Category Archives: Todour

Todour 2.21

It’s been over a year. There hasn’t been much development but there is always some tinkering being done and it was time to release what’s been updated.

  • Added scrollbars in settings dialog
  • Added icons in .deb build
  • Added icon on the window where supported
  • Multi-monitor support (for restoring)
  • Fixed a bug where the check for new version would basically always find a new ver
  • sion
  • Fixed bug introduced in 2.20 with automatically adding due: or t: when using rec:
  • Fixed building issues for older versions of Qt5

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Todour 2.20

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 Moved the "Show All" checkbox to a menu
 Added a "Stay on top" menu item
 Fixed github issue 25 - Deleting of creation date
 Added version information in Mac Build / Bundle
 Added ability to change what character is used for "NOT" in search
 Add a due: or t: if using a rec: without any due: or t: 

Random Reoccurrence

The new rec: feature has been a great addition to how I use my todo-lists and I am using it quite a lot. Probably a bit more than I should be, but it’s nice with reminders “sneaking in” to the todo-list like they do using this feature, as I am not a very big fan of reminders popping up in my phone.

I though just thought of a little use-case I would like to have for things I want to be reminded of, but not all the time. Like for example working on Todour. I don’t have a schedule for it and I don’t want one, but it would be an idea having it pop up a bit randomly (I have lots of small projects that I would like to have like that). 

Anyway, I added the “p” (as in procrastination) to the rec: key just now in my development branch and it’s actually pretty neat. Example: 

Work with +todour t:2019-01-30 rec:15p

This line will show up at 30/1 due to the threshold and the rec: switch will create a line just like this one when I cross out this line. The new date in t: will now be the finished date + 1-15 days. So somewhere in the coming 15 day it will pop up again.

I don’t know if this is actually useful, and it’s completely non-standard of course, but it was easy to do and now it’s there to be delivered in the next version.

Todour 2.15

This is the first Linux build since 2.02 that gets distributed. There is a debian package and a .tar.gz on the download page. I have been using a Linux build all the time since 2.02 and it is working very well, I have just never bothered learning how to do a .deb packaging. Now I did 🙂 

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  • Check Version menu item added
  • Support for URL:s in the list (right click = open URL)
  • Items containing URL:s shown as underlined
  • Live search is now turned off automatically when “Show all” is selected.
  • FIX/Changed behaviour: Priority is now handled according to the standard. Thus removed when an item is checked (or moved. See options)

Todour 2.14

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Note that if you are updating, this version will automatically check for updates ca once per week. If you’d rather not have that happen, there is a setting to turn that off.

    • Added a Show All checkbox that shows the contents of the entire done.txt as well. Good for checking old stuff. Note searching will be slow if you have a big done.txt file
    • Added possibility to use a tray icon. When the application is closed and tray icon is active, the application is minimized to tray instead. To quit, use the menu in the tray.
    • Added support for coloring due: tagged lines depending on date.
    • Added support for same shorthand with due: dates as with thresholds. Thus due:+2d will set the due date to 2 days from now. due:+3w is three weeks from now and so on.
    • Title now shows how many rows are shown of total entries
    • Checking for updates is now more visible (and selectable). Of course, no data is ever sent. Just check a version.
    • Added a ‘hidden’ feature of procrastination. Either use due: or t: with the usual shortform and ‘p’ and todour will change the date to a random number of days up to the number you specify.
      Example: t:+10p will put a date in the coming 10 days. And it will also add a ‘+procrastinated’ tag, so you know you maybe shouldn’t procrastinate the task again 🙂


Todour: Thresholds

Thought I’d perhaps explain thresholds a little bit.

Using the threshold determines when to show a task or keep it hidden (or optionally to sort it as an inactive task so you can see it but it’s sorted last and looks different).

So a line that is

2018-07-03 This is my task that won’t be shown until next year t:2019-07-03

Will be hidden until 2019-07-03.

Since it’s not so fun to have write these dates, it’s possible to use relative shorthand. So entering

2018-07-03 This is my task that won’t be shown until next year t:+1y

will have the same effect. Todour will replace the t:+1y with t:2019-07-03. You can use “d” for days, “w” for weeks, “m” for months and “y” for years. No combinations are possible though as I couldn’t see any need for them. Let me know if I am wrong 🙂


I added a different kind of thresholds as well. I am not sure if any other implementation supports this, but I wanted it so you got it 🙂

See the below example:

2018-07-03 This is a task with a +project tag

2018-07-03 This is a task that has a threshold of that +project tag t:+project

If you turn on the option of respecting thresholds for projects and contexts, the second line will be hidden until all lines with the +project tag have been checked or removed. This makes it possible to create dependencies between tasks, making tasks stay out of the way until something else is done.

Hope this is of any use.



Todour 2.13

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  • Option to save deleted items in deleted.txt
  • Remember the content of search window if turned off
  • Remember the state of the Context lock toggle button when closed
  • Support for the threshold (t:) tag
  • Threshold tag can take relative days(d),weeks(w),months(m) or years(y) as argument when threshold tags are active (example t:+2d will change to a date in 2 days)
  • Threshold can have a +project or @context – stays hidden while there is an active task with that +project or @context
  • Threshold task can be treated as inactives (thus not hidden, but displayed differently)
  • Changed behavior: When editing a line with dates, a change of the dates will be respected as well (before the original date would be kept.

Thanks for the bug reports and suggestions.